The answer keys of the recruitment exam for various posts in Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) held from February 14 to 28 was published on the official website of DMRC on Friday.
Candidates can challenge the answer keys and the questions of the exam until March 14.
Click here to raise objections against answer key/s and question/s on the official website. Enter your registration number and date of birth to login.
Before raising objections, candidates should read the instruction (at the bottom of the story) issued by the DMRC carefully.
Some of the important points that must be remembered:
1) Objection/s must be entered only in English
2) The objection/s filed should be clear, understandable, relevant and reasoned
3) Supporting document must be attached while filing objection/s
4) Objection/s once submitted cannot be edited later
5) Objection/s should be submitted only through online objection link given on the official website
6) The link will be open only till March 14, 2017.
The various posts to be filled through this examination are:
Asstt. Manager/Electrical
Asstt. Manager/S&T
Asstt. Manager/Civil
Asstt. Manager/Operations
Asstt. Manager/HR
Asstt. Manager/Finance
Station Controller/Train Operator (SC/TO)
Customer Relations Assistant (CRA)
Jr.Engineer/ Electrical
Jr.Engineer/ Electronics
Jr.Engineer/ Mechanical
Jr.Engineer/ Civil
Account Assistant
Maintainer – Electrician
Maintainer – Fitter
Maintainer – Electronic Mechanic
Maintainer – Ref & AC Mechanic
