- Delhi Public Library has notified recruitment for Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) posts. A total of 25 vacancies have been notified by for direct recruitment. 10+2 pass candidates with Certificate/ Diploma in Library & Information Science are eligible to apply for the post. The upper age limit for the applicants is 27 years. However age relaxation to the respective categories will be governed by the Government of India rules and regulations. “However a panel of names will also drawn for the anticipated vacancies likely to arise in future,” reads the job notice.
- The Delhi Public Library system is managed by the Delhi Library Board as an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
- Candidates have to submit their application in the prescribed format as given by the recruiting body on its official website at Applications along with self attested documents and demand draft of Rs. 300 (Rs. 150 for SC/ ST categories) should be sent to Deputy Director (Administration), Delhi Public Library, SP Mukherjee Marg, Delhi-110006.