TN TRB Recruitment Of Special Teachers: Apply For 1325 Vacancies From July 27 @ Trb.tn.nic.in
According to the notification published by TN TRB, the candidates should apply only for the vacancies notified and subject specified.
TN TRB Recruitment Of Special Teachers: How to apply
Candidates should apply only through online mode in the TRB website www.trb.tn.nic.in using the link trbonlineexams.in/spl/. Evidence for claims made by the candidates while applying in online should be submitted by the candidates at the time of Certificate Verification, if called for.
TN TRB Recruitment Of Special Teachers: Selection Procedure
The Selection of TN TRB recruitment of special teachers will be made in two successive stages viz.,
a) Written examination
b) Awarding weightage marks during Certificate Verification.
According to TN TRB, after certificate verification, the total marks secured by each candidate will be arrived at by adding weightage marks to the written examination marks. A merit list will then be prepared on this basis. Final Selection will be made from the merit list duly following merit-cum-communal rotation.